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Because Every Story is Important.
There are no good stories and bad stories, only stories well told and poorly told.
Every story can inspire us and can entertain us, but, of course, each story is different.
We can all understand how a poignant romance is a moving story, or how a spy thriller is an exciting story.
But when about a million people gather in New York City's Times Square to express their joy and hope for the new year, we are there not only to capture the evening's events, but also to tell this very human story of joy and hope, a story told through images, sounds, music, and, of course, people.
The narrative of how scientists are mastering their understanding of dark matter is a great, important story that can both move and thrill us, as well.
How a former Vice President of the United States has dedicated his life's work to overcoming climate change is an important story that can inspire us to make sure our world is safe for our grandchildren.
Or a moving story of how a young man on the autism spectrum found himself a job at a luxury hotel and thrived provides hope and inspiration and teaches us all about our humanity.
The team at Kent Gordis Productions has been involved in all of these stories—and many more—and our approach never wavers.
Igloo set for "24 Hours of Reality" in Paris, 2015 (Kent Gordis, Director)
Meet the Team
In this section you will find information on our core team. The fact, however, is that our company is comprised of dozens of remarkably talented and dedicated storytellers from all around the world.
While we cannot detail all their accomplishments here, we are proud to call them our teammates at
Kent Gordis Productions and hope to tell more great, important stories together with them in the near future.
Charles Prideaux
Senior Producer &
Technical Producer
David Banks
Executive Producer
Olga Mamaeva
Production Manager
Lauren Class Schneider
Staccy Gabriel
Associate Producer & Creative Consultant

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